USF Red Star Acquires CBL Trucking

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USF Red Star Express, a regional less-than-truckload carrier based in Newark, N.J., has acquired assets of CBL Trucking of Delanco, N.J.

Under terms of the transaction, USF Red Star will begin serving CBL’s customers April 18.

CBL President Ed Hoeflich and Vice President Bayley Hoeflich will both join USF Red Star, which will also offer jobs to all of CBL’s drivers, sales staff and a certain number of other management, supervisory and clerical personnel.

The acquisition is the third in the last year for USF Red Star, which has been trying to expand its market share in the Northeast.

USF Red Star President Brad Jones said CBL customers will benefit from a greatly enhanced service territory and nationwide coverage through partnerships with other USF regional carriers.

USF Red Star is part of USFreightways Corp. in Rosemont, Ill.

For the full story, see the April 19 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.