Virginia Scales Back Plan To Close Rest Stops

Tom Biery/Trans Pixs

The Virginia Department of Transportation said it will propose closing 19 of the state’s 41 highway rest areas, scaling back its original proposal to close 25.

VDOT will also replace the 225 truck parking spaces lost by the closings by adding spaces at other rest areas, and will do away with its two-hour parking limit under a proposal subject to approval by the Commonwealth Transportation Board, the agency said.

In February, state officials announced plans to close 25 of the state’s 41 highway rest areas in an effort to narrow VDOT’s $2.6 billion budget shortfall.

VDOT announced the new proposals in response to concerns about truck parking and the distances between rest areas.

Virginia will replace its rule prohibiting commercial vehicles from parking for more than two hours at rest areas with a policy prohibiting overnight parking, VDOT said.

American Trucking Associations said Thursday that both it and the Virginia Trucking Association are pleased with the plan.