Volvo’s July North American Truck Deliveries Drop 46%

Volvo AB’s North American truck deliveries fell 46% in July from a year ago, Bloomberg reported Thursday.

Sales of the company’s truck brands fell 54% to 8,899 units, from 19,243 units last year, Gothenburg, Sweden-based Volvo said in a statement.

Volvo AB is the parent company of Volvo Trucks North America and Mack Trucks.

Truck demand plunged 88% in Eastern Europe, while Middle East sales fell 67%. Renault-branded trucks fell 56% to 2,552 units, while Mack sales slid 25%, to 899 units.

“Mack has been impacted by particularly low industry-wide truck sales in two of its core market segments, construction and local hauling, due to the dramatic decline in housing construction and ongoing weakness in consumer retail sales,” Volvo said.