Waiting for OMC's New Boss

Julie Cirillo
Trucking leaders swapped scarce information last week about their new chief regulator, Julie Cirillo.

On Jan. 21, Cirillo was appointed associate administrator for motor carriers at the Federal Highway Administration. Since then, the department has released little information about her views on policies or made her available for interviews.

Cirillo has not crossed paths with many in trucking, forcing those in the industry to rely on anecdotal information about the new official at the Office of Motor Carriers.

However, one thing is known: She has gained a reputation as a no-nonsense leader during her 21 years as a researcher and engineer for the highway agency.

"From what I hear, she’s a taskmaster, a hard-nosed, tough-minded type of person," said one industry leader, who asked not to be identified.

Trucking leaders were concerned about getting off on the wrong foot with Cirillo, appointed after her predecessor, George Reagle, lost his job for illegally asking state trucking associations to lobby against the transfer of the OMC. Some in Congress want to move the office from FHWA to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

For the full story, see the Feb. 2 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.