Wisconsin Motorists Lose $6 Billion Annually Stuck In Traffic

Bumper-to-bumper traffic backups are costing the motorists of Wisconsin about $6 billion annually, a report unveiled May 5 found.

Higher vehicle operating costs, crashes, and congestion contribute to the expense, which averages to about $2,000 per motorist, according to Washington, D.C.-based transportation research outfit TRIP.

The report determined years of neglect and lack of funding gave way to infrastructure that contributes to congestion. More than half of major roads in the Milwaukee area are in poor to mediocre condition, resulting in an additional $861 annually in extra vehicle operating costs. Meanwhile, 68% of major roads in Madison were found to be in poor to mediocre condition, according to the report.

Fourteen percent of the state’s bridges are showing significant deterioration or no longer meet current design standards. Also, 9% of bridges are structurally deficient, which means they are deemed safe but require significant upgrades.

“These conditions are only going to get worse if greater funding is not made available at the local, state and federal levels,” said TRIP Executive Director Will Wilkins said. “Without additional transportation funding, Wisconsin's transportation system will become increasingly deteriorated and congested, the state will miss out on opportunities for economic growth and quality of life will suffer.”