Wolf to Hold Hearing Next Week

Witnesses ranging from government officials and relatives of truck-involved accidents to trucking leaders will testify about trucking safety Feb. 23 before the Transportation Appropriations Subcommittee chaired by Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.).

The hearing is an outgrowth of Wolf’s growing interest in trucking safety, reflected in his attempts to move the Office of Motor Carriers — now known as the Motor Carrier and Highway Safety business unit — from the Federal Highway Administration to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Wolf, highly critical of OMC’s effectiveness, asked both the General Accounting Office and the Department of Transportation’s inspector general to examine the agency’s trucking safety programs.

Phyllis Scheinberg, associate director for transportation issues for GAO, DOT Inspector General Kenneth Mead and Jim Hall, chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board, will testify.

ATA President Walter McCormick is scheduled to appear before Wolf’s subcommittee as part of a panel that also includes Mark Edwards, managing director of the American Automobile Association; Judy Stone, president of Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety; and Harry Eubanks, president of the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance.

For the full story, see the Feb. 22 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.