Wolf Wants Lobbying Violators Fired

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Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.) threatened last week to seek a Justice Department investigation of illegal lobbying by senior officials at the former Office of Motor Carriers unless they are fired.

Wolf’s comments came during a Feb. 23 subcommittee hearing on truck safety.

Federal Highway Administrator Kenneth Wykle said he was completing an internal review of the allegations by the Department of Transportation’s inspector general that four senior OMC officials asked state trucking associations to lobby Congress against the transfer of the agency from the Federal Highway Administration to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

“I have taken action to research the issue with personnel and legal staff to make sure my decision will be unappealable. I’m about ready to act,” Wykle said about action within the agency, which has been renamed the Motor Carrier and Highway Safety business unit.

For the full story, see the March 1 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.