Government, Business

Unemployment Claims Fall to Lowest Level Since Pandemic

WASHINGTON — The number of Americans applying for unemployment benefits fell to its lowest level since the pandemic began, a sign the job market is still improving even as hiring has slowed in the past two months.

Christopher Rugaber | Associated Press
October 14, 2021
Government, Business

Employers Add a Weak 194,000 Jobs as Delta Maintains Hold

WASHINGTON — U.S. employers added just 194,000 jobs in September, a second straight tepid gain and evidence that the pandemic still has a grip on the economy with many companies struggling to fill millions of open jobs.

Christopher Rugaber | Associated Press
October 8, 2021
Government, Business

Yellen Warns Delay in Raising Debt Limit Will Slow Economy

WASHINGTON — Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen sounded an urgent call Sept. 28 for Congress to raise the government’s borrowing limit, a day after Senate Republicans blocked consideration of a bill that would have done so.

Christopher Rugaber | Associated Press
September 28, 2021
Government, Business

Fed Likely to Signal a Coming Pullback in Economic Support

WASHINGTON — The Federal Reserve is expected this week to send its clearest signal yet that it will start reining in its ultra-low-interest rate policies later this year, a first step toward unwinding the extraordinary support it has given the economy since the pandemic struck 18 months ago.

Christopher Rugaber | Associated Press
September 20, 2021
Government, Business

Hiring Slows to 235,000 Jobs After Two Strong Months

WASHINGTON — America’s employers added just 235,000 jobs in August, a surprisingly weak gain after two months of robust hiring at a time when the delta variant’s spread has discouraged some people from flying, shopping and eating out.

Christopher Rugaber | Associated Press
September 3, 2021
Government, Business

Powell Says Fed on Track to Slow Aid for Economy Later This Year

WASHINGTON — The Federal Reserve will start dialing back its ultra-low-rate policies this year as long as hiring continues to improve, Chair Jerome Powell said Aug. 27, signaling the beginning of the end of the Fed’s extraordinary response to the pandemic recession.

Christopher Rugaber | Associated Press
August 27, 2021
Government, Business

Jobless Claims Near Pandemic Low as Economy Strengthens

WASHINGTON — The number of Americans seeking unemployment benefits fell for a third straight time last week, the latest sign that employers are laying off fewer people as they struggle to fill a record number of open jobs and meet a surge in consumer demand.

Christopher Rugaber | Associated Press
August 12, 2021
Government, Business

Consumer Prices Rose in July but at Slower Pace

WASHINGTON — Prices for U.S. consumers rose last month but at the slowest pace since February, a sign that Americans may gain some relief after four months of sharp increases that have imposed a financial burden on the nation’s households.

Christopher Rugaber | Associated Press
August 11, 2021
Government, Business

Jobless Claims Rise to 419,000 From a Pandemic Low

WASHINGTON — The number of Americans seeking unemployment benefits rose last week from the lowest point of the pandemic, even as the job market appears to be rebounding on the strength of a reopened economy.

Christopher Rugaber | Associated Press
July 22, 2021
Government, Business

Consumer Prices Surged in Past Year the Most Since 2008

WASHINGTON — American consumers faced a third straight monthly surge in prices in June, the latest evidence that a rapid reopening of the economy is fueling pent-up spending for goods and services that in many cases remain in short supply.

Christopher Rugaber | Associated Press
July 13, 2021