
Software Firm Buys Sabre Unit

Transportation software pioneer Yossi Sheffi has returned to finish a job he started before the Internet showed it could revolutionize logistics and freight planning.

Daniel L. Whitten | Staff Reporter
January 19, 2000

Y2K Debate: Was It Worth the Expenditure?

The country woke up New Year’s Day with no significant problems from the dreaded “millennium bug.” Now people are debating whether the millions spent on fixing the bug was worth it.

Daniel L. Whitten | Staff Reporter
January 12, 2000

Equipment Advances Put Focus On Safety, Data Exchanges

To say that 1999 was dominated by concerns over the rollover into a new millennium would ignore dramatic progress made in trucking-related technologies.

Daniel L. Whitten | Staff Reporter
January 12, 2000

The Internet Becomes a Globalized Logistics Medium

A trend toward using the Internet to conduct supply chain transactions and establish trading marketplaces was spearheaded on a large scale by the automotive industry in 1999.

Daniel L. Whitten | Staff Reporter
January 12, 2000

Schneider Logistics to Provide Internet Plastics Delivery

Schneider Logistics is expanding its role in business-to-business electronic marketplaces by distributing products ordered through

Daniel L. Whitten | Staff Reporter
January 12, 2000

Y2K Debate: Was It Worth the Cost?

The country woke up New Year’s Day with no significant problems from the dreaded “millennium bug.” Now people are debating whether the millions spent on fixing the bug was worth it.

Daniel L. Whitten | Staff Reporter
January 10, 2000

Carriers Must Adapt to E-Commerce

Carriers that do not adapt to electronic commerce could find themselves battling for a shrinking low-tech trucking market as the impact of new delivery demands ripples through the industry.

Daniel L. Whitten | Staff Reporter
January 6, 2000

Truck Traffic Rolls Through Borders

Even as the United States tightened security at its borders in hopes of thwarting terrorist incursions from abroad, trucks rolled routinely through most ports of entry on the eve of the millennium.

Daniel L. Whitten | Staff Reporter
January 5, 2000

Carriers Must Adapt to E-Commerce

Carriers that do not adapt to the changes brought on by electronic commerce could find themselves battling for a shrinking low-tech trucking market as the impact of new delivery demands ripples through the industry.

Daniel L. Whitten | Staff Reporter
January 5, 2000

Truck Traffic Rolls Through Borders

Even as the United States tightened security at its borders in hopes of thwarting terrorist incursions from abroad, trucks rolled routinely through most ports of entry on the eve of the millennium.

Daniel L. Whitten | Staff Reporter
January 4, 2000