Eugene Mulero

Eugene Mulero

Senior Reporter


Eugene Mulero is a senior reporter at Transport Topics where he reports on Congress, trends in intermodal connectivity and federal elections.


Video Preview: Congressional Races Relevant to Freight Transportation

The freight transportation policy outlook on Capitol Hill for next year remains murky, thanks to the uncertainty of key congressional contests this year.

Eugene Mulero | Senior Reporter
November 8, 2016
Government, Business

Election Key to Road Funds

When Americans cast their ballots for president and members of Congress, they also will help to determine the outlook for the country’s highway funding that is so critical to freight movement.

Eugene Mulero | Senior Reporter
November 8, 2016

Pennsylvania Trucking Execs Back Shuster

The message from Pennsylvania trucking leaders to voters in the 9th Congressional District is simple: It sometimes helps the industry when the top transportation policymaker in the U.S. House of Representatives also is your congressman.

Eugene Mulero | Senior Reporter
November 7, 2016

Bill Shuster Pledges Long-Term Funding for Infrastructure in Re-Election Fight

LEMONT FURNACE, Pa. — Voters in Pennsylvania’s 9th Congressional District have a choice in the upcoming election that could shift the emphasis on national freight transportation and other infrastructure issues.

Eugene Mulero | Senior Reporter
October 31, 2016
Government, Business, Safety, Technology

ATA President Chris Spear: Congress Is Better Forum for Autonomous Technology Discussions

WASHINGTON — The trucking industry’s chief representative on Oct. 26 called on Congress to take the lead on policy decisions regarding self-driving commercial technology.

Eugene Mulero | Senior Reporter
October 26, 2016

House Chairman Defends Federal Transportation Agency During Debate

LEMONT FURNACE, Pa. — The top transportation policymaker in the U.S. House rejected the notion of devolving transportation authority from the U.S. Department of Transportation to state agencies during a debate with a tea party-backed opponent at Penn State Fayette, The Eberly Campus on Oct. 21.

Eugene Mulero | Senior Reporter
October 24, 2016

Congress’ 2017 Transport Agenda Murky With Committee Leaders in Tight Races

In this election cycle, senior transportation policymakers, including House Transportation Chairman Bill Shuster (R-Pa.), Rep. Jeff Denham (R-Calif.), chairman of the Railroads subcommittee and Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), a senior member of the Commerce Committee, are scrambling to hold on to their seats.

Eugene Mulero | Senior Reporter
October 24, 2016
Government, Business

House Transportation Chairman Bill Shuster to Debate Challenger Oct. 21

Before voters in Pennsylvania’s 9th Congressional District head to the election booths, they can hear from the incumbent Republican and Democratic challenger who have scheduled a debate Oct. 21.

Eugene Mulero | Senior Reporter
October 20, 2016
Government, Business

ARTBA Unveils Clinton, Trump Transportation Overview

The murky transportation picture in the 2016 presidential contest got a bit clearer, courtesy of the American Road and Transportation Builders Association.

Eugene Mulero | Senior Reporter
October 17, 2016

Clinton, Trump Implored to Secure Road Funding

America’s next president needs to advance a long-term funding plan to modernize infrastructure and freight corridors to guarantee economic growth for the coming years, industry stakeholders said.

Eugene Mulero | Senior Reporter
October 17, 2016