Fuel Prices Drive McQuaide to Shut LTL Division
W.C. McQuaide Inc., a 37-year-old Pennsylvania motor carrier will parks its rigs for good just a few days before Thanksgiving, largely due to high diesel prices.
Reefer Carriers Pinched As Fuel Prices Climb
Refrigerated carriers that cannot recoup fuel expenses through surcharges are suffering from high energy prices more than the rest of trucking as they must purchase diesel to both power their tractors and cool their trailers.
Equity Manager Keen On Trucking Stocks
In spite of high fuel prices and other transportation woes, an Ohio-based stock fund manager is touting trucking stocks for his portfolio.
Truck Revenue Growth Expected
Revenue and tonnage for trucking will continue to expand at a steady rate for the first decade of the new century, according to a recently updated study of transportation and the economy.
Information Distribition Becomes NAFC Focus
A freshly reorganized National Accounting and Finance Council will spend the coming year trying to fulfill two information tasks — one internal to American Trucking Associations and the other external for the direct benefit of members.
Reefer Firms Seek Strategies To Combat High Fuel Prices
Refrigerated carriers that cannot recoup fuel expenses through surcharges are suffering from high energy prices more than the rest of trucking as they must purchase diesel to both power their tractors and cool their trailers.
Mid-Size Firms Form Insurance Market 'Captives'
A hardening insurance market for trucking that has seen premiums rising sharply throughout the year now has developed a new option for providing coverage — group captive companies.
Industry Prepares for SSRS Fight
Fresh from a victory in the hours-of-service issue, won in part by a united stand within the industry, for-hire interstate motor carriers and their representatives wrestled among themselves over how to approach efforts to sink the Single State Registration System.
Fuel Strategies Aid UPS Growth
Aggressive actions in the face of soaring fuel costs have kept profits growing for United Parcel Service, which announced a third quarter increase in net income of $125 million, or 22% over last year at this time.
Council Attempts to Lure Former ITLC Members
The former chair of the disbanded Information Technology and Logistics Council is trying to woo her compatriots into joining another American Trucking Associations council.