Business, Fuel

Gasoline Price Breaks Unprecedented 123-Day Losing Streak With Half-Penny Rise

Just when the U.S. was pennies away from reaching $2 a gallon at the pump, prices rebounded.

Lynn Doan | Bloomberg News
January 28, 2015
Business, Fuel

Truckers Poised to Join US Car Drivers’ Fuel Relief

Sliding farm demand after the U.S. harvest and milder weather brings diesel, nearly identical to heating oil, more in line with gasoline.

Lynn Doan | Bloomberg News
January 16, 2015

Why Oklahoma City Gets $2 Gasoline Before Rest of US

Of all the filling stations in all the United States, $2 gasoline showed up at Oklahoma City’s first. Why?

Lynn Doan | Bloomberg News
December 4, 2014

$2 Billion a Day at Stake if Longshoremen Join Truckers on West Coast Port Picket Lines

For executives at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, the 120 disgruntled truck drivers who picketed for five days last month proved to be little more than a nuisance. Now the busiest U.S. ports face a potentially wider problem: 7,000 longshore workers joining them.

Lynn Doan | Bloomberg News
August 4, 2014