DOT Awards $225 Million in Grants to 20 Bridge Projects
The U.S. Department of Transportation announced the first recipients of the Competitive Highway Bridge Program on Aug. 29, awarding $225 million to fund bridge improvements and replacements to 20 projects represented by 18 state departments of transportation.
Senators Push Bill to Rebuild Deficient Bridges
Infrastructure experts have determined that thousands of bridges nationwide require either minor repairs or major rehabilitations. A group of lawmakers in Congress is acknowledging the experts and looking to do something about it.
47,000 Bridges Nationwide Are Structurally Deficient, ARTBA Analysis Finds
Iowa, Pennsylvania and Oklahoma have the dubious distinction of leading the country in states with the highest number of bridges deemed structurally deficient, according to a recent analysis by the group that represents road builders.
Experts Discuss Recommendations, Research Related to Accelerated Bridge Construction
WASHINGTON — Proactive planning and effective collaboration with partners are two tips for success for agencies embarking on accelerated bridge construction (ABC) projects, according to two experts from the engineering services firm WSP.
Washington State Combats Collisions With New Wildlife Bridge
SNOQUALMIE PASS, Wash. — Before descending the Cascade Mountains on its final stretch to Seattle, Interstate 90 cuts through a mountain pass of old-growth forests and wetlands.
South Dakota Approves 35 Grants for Local Bridge Improvements
The South Dakota Transportation Commission has approved 35 bridge improvement grants totaling more than $1.3 million.
Revised Weight Limits for Bridges Add Time, Money in Wisconsin
When Kevin Nelson hauls corn from his farm south of Osseo, Minn., to grain bins in Winona, Minn., lately he has added extra travel time and is paying more at the pump.
Tennessee Officials Unveil $2.6 Billion Transportation Improvement Plan
The repair and replacement of bridges is a top priority outlined in Tennessee’s Transportation Improvement Plan. Gov. Bill Haslam and Tennessee Department of Transportation Commissioner John Schroer unveiled the plan, which covers 2019-21, on April 5. The plan features $2.6 billion in infrastructure investments and encompasses 116 projects.
FIU Bridge Collapse Unlikely to Dull Popularity of ABC Building Method, Experts Say
Despite urgent concerns over the cause of the recent collapse of a pedestrian bridge in Miami, experts agree that accelerated bridge construction (ABC) will remain a popular method for building spans.
Capitol Agenda for the Week of Jan. 29: State of the Bridges
One-fifth of Iowa’s bridges are structurally deficient, as are more than 4,100 bridges in Pennsylvania. Twenty-three percent of bridges in Rhode Island are in that category. And, Washington, D.C., has eight of them. What's Congress going to do about them? Here's a look at the week ahead for trucking on Capitol Hill.