Improve Safety Performance in Real Time
With technology advances in AI, Vision, and Edge Computing, there are effective ways for fleets to quickly address distracted driving within their fleet and with real-time visibility enabled by this technology, fleets are able to work with their drivers to develop sustainable, best-in-class safety habits.
May 21, 2020In-Cab Monitoring Uses Machine Vision to Detect Fatigued, Distracted Driving
In-cab monitoring systems can help fleets keep drivers out of danger, but technology should be just one part of the broader culture of safety within a company.
Effective Coaching Strategies and Best Practices for Fleet Safety Managers
Fleet safety managers often face problems unique to their fleets; however, there are some unavoidable problems that every fleet faces at some point. Effective coaching strategies and best practices are the keys to tackling these issues head-on before they escalate.
October 2, 2019Trucking Executives, Transportation Experts Discuss Distracted Driving
Transportation companies — including trucking groups — can improve safety by promoting accountability at the individual, executive and peer levels, according to industry representatives.
Sygic Introduces Real-Time Driver Behavior Analysis
Sygic, a Slovakia-based mobile navigation company, has unveiled a new driver behavior algorithm designed to motivate drivers to act safer behind the wheel.
October 18, 2018Speeders More Likely to Practice Other Unsafe Behavior
Truck driving video analysis firm SmartDrive Systems reports that drivers who speed are three times more likely than their nonspeeding peers to practice unsafe following distances, 45% more likely to be in a near collision and 2½ times more likely to be distracted while driving.
May 4, 2018Core Group of Distracted Drivers Reduces Road Safety
April is Distracted Driving Awareness month, and several new studies show the problem is getting worse.
Opinion: Follow the Right Protocol in Accident Reporting
When developing accident-response training for drivers, fleets often focus on the wrong thing. They typically start with a list of do’s and don’ts without the proper context. Fleets, and by extension their drivers, must know the importance of following the right protocol. When it comes to accident reporting, it’s crucial.