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Editorial, Government

Editorial: Transportation Officials Ready to Act?

Washington, D.C., is often the butt of jokes for its year-after-year inaction. But this week — one filled with transportation events — there is a sense that maybe, just maybe, 2014 will be different.

January 13, 2014
Editorial, Business

Editorial: Unwelcome Shipping Surprises

January 6, 2014
Editorial, Business

Editorial: Looking Back With Relief

With another year coming to a close, we look back with some relief that freight demand showed steady growth despite endless obstacles coming from Washington, D.C.

December 23, 2013
Editorial, Business, Autonomous

Editorial: It Was a Truck

December 16, 2013
Editorial, Business

Editorial: The Art of Moving Boxes

An awful lot has changed over the years in the trucking industry. And, like in so many industries today, the pace of that change seems to be escalating every year.

December 9, 2013
Editorial, Business

Editorial: A Trucking Fuel Update

It looks like the recent run of lower fuel prices is at an end. As we report on p. 1, the average price of a gallon of diesel fuel rose 2.2 cents last week to $3.844 after 11 weeks of declining or steady prices.

December 2, 2013
Editorial, Business

Editorial: Expensive HOS Changes

New data clearly support what many of us have been saying for months: The new changes to the federal hours-of-service rule for truck drivers are reducing productivity, undermining service levels and raising costs.

November 25, 2013
Editorial, Safety

Editorial: Studying Safety

November 18, 2013
Editorial, Business

Editorial: TT’s Top 50 Logistics Companies

There was a time when it was a simple matter to understand the differences between a trucking fleet and a logistics provider.

November 11, 2013
Editorial, Business

Editorial: Consensus on Freight

In these days of diminished expectations in our federal government, we should surely be happy to find that a bipartisan House panel has managed to find unanimity on at least one topic of interest to us: that the nation’s freight system is vital to the future well-being of the country.

November 4, 2013