
About Safety News...

Transportation businesses face a host of dynamic risk issues that can significantly impact their financial and operational health. The news in this category focuses on the latest safety and security initiatives, resources and regulations and addresses topics that include fleet safety, claims administration, driver hiring and retention, risk management and compliance.

Business, Safety, Government, Fuel

Calif. County to Get $10 Million for AltFuel Project

San Bernadino County’s transportation agency will get nearly $10 million in federal stimulus funds for a clean-energy truck project, the San Bernardino (Calif.) Sun newspaper reported Sunday.

August 31, 2009
Business, Safety, Government, Logistics

Canadian Inspector Wins Top Award His First Time

PITTSBURGH — Alex Bugeya of Ontario, Canada, became a competitor for the first time this year and earned the right to represent his province at the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s North American Inspectors Championship here.

August 31, 2009
Business, Safety, Government

Study Finds Anti-Idling Equipment Can Cut Idle Time Up to 78%

A new study by the American Transportation Research Institute found that anti-idling equipment can trim idling time by as much as 78%.

August 31, 2009
Editorial, Business, Safety

The Real Story

When trucks and truck drivers are mentioned in the general media, they seem almost invariably to be put in a bad light.

August 31, 2009
Business, Government, Safety

FMCSA May Test Proficiency Of Start-Up Motor Carriers

In its first major regulatory action under the Obama administration, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration said last week it may for the first time require new trucking companies to pass a proficiency exam before being allowed to begin operations.

August 31, 2009
Business, Safety, Government

July Truck Tonnage Falls 10.4%

American Trucking Associations’ tonnage index fell 10.4% in July from a year ago, the slowest rate of decline since February, offering another sign that the sick U.S. economy may be starting to heal.

August 31, 2009
Business, Safety, Government

Con-way Driver Honored as NTDC Grand Champion

PITTSBURGH — Like many other champion truck drivers, Dale Duncan first took the wheel in childhood, on a family farm in Indiana, where his father supplemented the family income by driving a truck.

August 31, 2009
Business, Government, Safety

Cargo Thieves Seek Basic Items More Often

Cargo thefts have increased against over-the-road trucking firms during the recession, with criminals turning to “basics” such as food and paper products, as well as the traditional high-value loads, though no hard figures exist, American Trucking Associations said.

August 31, 2009
Business, Safety, Government

Intermodal Traffic Drops for Week

U.S. intermodal rail traffic in the United States fell 16.2% last week from the same week a year ago, the Association of American Railroads said in its weekly report.

August 28, 2009
Business, Safety

Truck Tonnage Decline Slows in July

U.S. truck tonnage fell 10.4% in July from the same month last year, the best year-to-year showing since February, American Trucking Associations said.

August 27, 2009