Securing Legacy Maintenance Software

July 1, 2024

Outdated fleet software puts your company at risk of cyberattacks. One breach can cripple operations and finances. Download the National Motor Freight Traffic Association Inc.’s (NMFTA)™ whitepaper to learn about new threats, vulnerabilities, and solutions for securing your legacy systems.


January 27, 2019

One of the hardest tasks fleet’s face when initiating a safety culture – or even a safety policy – is ensuring buy-in from throughout the organization. Download Selling Safety and learn how to “sell” your safety message to executives, managers and drivers.


December 19, 2018

The value of safety should be woven throughout the culture of every transportation organization. In this white paper we explore historical trends, current processes, best practices, and the use of technology to support a safety-based culture.

EBE Technologies

July 11, 2018

Incentivizing safe driving helps attract new drivers, retain current drivers and ensures a safer fleet. To do so, many fleets have adopted a data-driven driver incentive program and are seeing great results. Find out how by downloading the new eBook, Paying for Safety: Incenting Drivers to Increase Retention.


July 2, 2018

Learn how Swift Transportation uses INFORM Safety software to identify specific safety score issues and trends, and then develop safety programs to improve their operation. One result of their safety programs was a 20% reduction in inadvertent weigh station bypass events. Download now!


March 4, 2018

In this new white paper, learn how innovative technology provides new and more comprehensive ways to keep vehicles and people safer, as well as ways to avoid the risk and high costs that unsafe transportation practices create.
