ATA Cites Infrastructure Needs Raised by Traffic Study

Tom Biery/Trans Pixs

American Trucking Associations said the results of a new highway traffic congestion study highlight the importance of investing in U.S. highway infrastructure.

“A robust investment in transportation infrastructure is the most effective way to alleviate our nation’s looming congestion problems,” ATA said in a statement, adding that the U.S. “must invest our limited resources wisely by focusing specifically on traffic ‘chokepoints’ that suffer the worst from congestion.”

A Texas Transportation Research Institute’s report released Wednesday for the year 2007 showed that traffic congestion costs the U.S. $87.2 billion annually — more than $750 per traveler, and the costs of traffic congestion have increased 63% over the past decade, ATA said.

Greater highway capacity will aide passenger mobility and help stimulate our economy through improved freight productivity, ATA said — according to the TTI report, 12,676 new lane-miles of highways and roads are needed to keep up with congestion, ATA said.

Despite declining traffic volumes caused by a historic economic downturn, Americans still waste more than 2.8 billion gallons of fuel each year as a result of traffic congestion. Motorists also waste 4.2 billion hours annually, or one full work week per traveler.