ATA Protests Sleeper-Berth Rule

Graves Tells FMCSA Safety Data Will be Provided
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merican Trucking Associations told the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration that the trucking industry has “serious and pervasive concerns” about the sleeper provision of the new hours-of-service rules and will give the agency data about sleeper-berth use, ATA President Bill Graves said.

“The trucking industry’s historical experience cannot be ignored,” Graves wrote in an Oct. 26 letter to the trucking safety agency.

“Since the rule was published, the long and successful safety experience of the industry with the flexible sleeper-berth provision has been frequently and fervently voiced by many truck drivers to their employers, as well as to ATA staff,” Graves’ letter stated.

For the full story, see the Oct. 31 print edition of Transport Topics. Subscribe today.