Cass Freight Shipment Index Rises

Larry Smith/Trans Pixs

Cass Information Systems, the freight bill-processing unit of a St. Louis bank, said that shipments in August rose 16.5% from the same month last year.

The index — based on payments totaling $17 billion a year to truckers, railroads and other carriers — fell 8.6% in July from June, which had been the highest level this year, to July, before rising 8.3% in August.

American Trucking Associations said last week that truck tonnage continued its string of year-over-year gains in July, rising 7.4% from a year ago, the eighth straight increase.

Year-to-date tonnage is 6.7% higher last year, ATA reported in its monthly seasonally adjusted for-hire truck tonnage index. (Click here for previous story.)