Con-way Freight transported thousands of donated phones for the nonprofit Cell Phones For Soldiers to be sold for phone cards for soldiers overseas.
The organization takes donated phones and recycles and refurbishes them and uses the profit to buy long-distance phone cards.
The Fort Worth, Texas-based less-than-truckload carrier transported three pallets of 2,500 phones, to provide about 75,500 minutes of calling time.
“Supporting our servicemen and women is a cause we take seriously, as evidenced by a variety of veteran-focused programs and partnerships throughout the company,” Con-way Freight President Greg Lehmkuhl said in a statement.
“No price can be put on the ability to call a loved one while deployed overseas, so we are proud to be a transportation partner for Cell Phones For Soldiers,” he added.
The carrier plans to transport another shipment later this month.
Con-way Freight is a subsidiary of Con-way Inc. which ranks No. 4 on the Transport Topics Top 100 list of the largest U.S. and Canadian for-hire carriers.