In Louisiana, Mary Landrieu vs. Bill Cassidy: Why You Should Care

Each day this week, three times per day, Transport Topics reporter Eugene Mulero looks at one of 15 key congressional races that affect transportation interests, and explains Why You Should Care.

Today: Louisiana's Senate race – Incumbent Democrat Mary Landrieu vs. Republican challenger Bill Cassidy.

Incumbent Democrat Mary Landrieu sided with Senate Republicans over the summer to vote to suspend for a year the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s new hours-of-service rule. She also has told voters she would look to expand infrastructure programs that benefit the construction and trucking sectors. Landrieu is facing fierce opposition from Rep. Bill Cassidy (R-La.), a third-term member who supports the Keystone XL pipeline. He also has indicated he would support programs that boost construction firms.

Have questions or comments about the 2014 election? Join us at 1 p.m. ET on Monday, Nov. 3, for a LiveOnWeb chat with TT reporter Eugene Mulero.

More races and Why You Should Care:


In Kansas, Pat Roberts vs. Greg Orman (1 p.m. ET)
