In Nebraska, Lee Terry vs. Brad Ashford: Why You Should Care

Each day this week, three times per day, Transport Topics reporter Eugene Mulero looks at one of 15 key congressional races that affect transportation interests, and explains Why You Should Care.

Today: Nebraska's 2nd District – Incumbent Republican Lee Terry vs. Democratic challenger Brad Ashford.

While most pollsters predict Republicans will maintain control of the House in the next Congress, Rep. Lee Terry, the eight-term incumbent from Nebraska’s 2nd Congressional District, has been working around the clock to persuade voters to keep him around for another two years. Terry is a proponent of the Keystone XL pipeline and has sided with conservatives on proposals to limit transportation spending. But he lost support from key constituents after he justified his salary during last year’s shutdown of the federal government. His Democratic challenger, state legislator Brad Ashford, said he backs “a comprehensive energy policy for this country" and called for a long-term transportation bill. The nonpartisan Cook Political Report has rated the contest a toss-up.

Have questions or comments about the 2014 election? Join us at 1 p.m. ET on Monday, Nov. 3, for a LiveOnWeb chat with TT reporter Eugene Mulero.

More races and Why You Should Care:


In Colorado, Mike Coffman vs. Andrew Romanoff (1 p.m. ET)
