N.H. Truckers Balk at 15-Cent Diesel Tax Boost

Tom Biery/Trans Pixs

A proposed 15-cent boost in New Hampshire’s diesel tax will badly hurt the trucking industry, truckers told state lawmakers, the Associated Press reported.

Paving contractors said the hike was needed to fund critical road and bridge repairs, AP said.

Under the proposal, the 19.6 cent diesel tax would rise 5 cents a year over the next three years, ultimately generating an estimated $111 million annually, AP reported.

In response to trucking concerns, the bill’s sponsors proposed spreading the increase over 10 years, but truckers told a state House committee the increase would harm business even if phased in, AP said.

Gov. John Lynch (D) has proposed an alternative plan that would boost registration fees by $10, use turnpike toll revenues to pay for maintenance of interstate highways, raise tolls and eliminate a 50% discount on tolls for noncommercial E-ZPass users, AP said.