Cirillo: Development Of Hours Rules Continues
The Bush administration has given the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration no signals as to what it expects in an hours-of-service regulation, but Julie A. Cirillo - FMCSA's acting chief - said the agency is continuing its efforts to develop a final rule.
TMC Adds Information Technology to Its Portfolio
Recognizing that information management is a key component of moving freight, the American Trucking Associations Maintenance Council will reorganize to promote integration of advanced communications and logistics technology into the computer systems on a standard truck.
Cardinal’s Clicklogistics Enters Market
An online logistics provider is jumping into a market that has thus far failed to produce any clear winners.
GAO Criticizes FMCSA On Crash Data Collection
The General Accounting Office issued a report criticizing the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration for failing to collect data on accident causes on the same day the agency announced a new truck crash-causation study.
TMC to Take On Information Technology
Recognizing that information management is a key component of moving freight, The Maintenance Council will reorganize to promote integration of advanced communications and logistics technology into the computer systems on a standard truck.
Four Named To Key Jobs At FMCSA
In the last moments before it hands over the reins of power, the Clinton administration is filling four associate administrator vacancies at the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.
New Chairman in the House For Transport Appropriations
The leadership shuffle in Congress puts a lawmaker with a short record on transportation issues as chairman of a key House Appropriations subcommittee in place of one with extensive transportation experience.
NTSB’s Hall Renews Call For Onboard Data Recorders
Before he vacates his office Jan. 18, National Transportation Safety Board Chairman Jim Hall plunged a thorn into the trucking industry's side by reiterating his call for mandatory use of electronic onboard recorders, hourly pay for drivers and tighter restrictions on hours a driver can work.
TCA, OOIDA Ponder Joint Surcharge Bill
Trucking leaders from sometimes-conflicting segments of the industry are flirting with the idea of jointly submitting a proposal to Congress to mandate some sort of surcharge mechanism when fuel prices increase.
Rogers Replaces Wolf on House Transport Panel
The leadership shuffle in Congress puts Rep. Hal Rogers of Kentucky - a lawmaker with a short record on transportation issues - as chairman of a key House Appropriations subcommittee in place of Rep. Frank Wolf - a lawmaker with extensive transportation experience.