
Running on Empty

Running a trucking operation west of the Mississippi River requires different strategies than in the more densely populated East.

Daniel L. Whitten | Staff Reporter
January 10, 2001

Hart Would Consider Offer To Be Permanent FMCSA Chief

Clyde J. Hart Jr. said he would consider joining the Bush administration as the permanent head of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration if asked.

Daniel L. Whitten | Staff Reporter
January 10, 2001

Transportation Transition Team Includes Truckers

Several top trucking officials have been appointed to President-elect Bush’s transportation transition team and will help establish the direction the Department of Transportation takes under the new administration.

Daniel L. Whitten | Staff Reporter
January 10, 2001

DOT Office to Focus On Freight Flow

A little-known office in the Department of Transportation, hoping to reduce inefficiency in the freight network, plans to take a higher profile as problems with highway congestion and traffic jams at ports have become more prevalent.

Daniel L. Whitten | Staff Reporter
January 10, 2001

Western Truckers Scramble for Backhauls

Running a trucking operation in the western U.S. requires different strategies than in the more densely populated East. Several western states are freight magnets: lots of shipments go in but not nearly as many come out, making the backhaul as sought after as water in the desert.

Daniel L. Whitten | Staff Reporter
January 9, 2001

Hart Would Consider Staying as Permanent FMCSA Chief

In an interview with Transport Topics, Clyde J. Hart Jr. said he would consider joining the Bush administration as the permanent head of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration if asked.

Daniel L. Whitten | Staff Reporter
January 8, 2001

Bush’s Chief of Staff Brings Transportation Expertise

When George W. Bush becomes president Jan. 20, he will have someone with the highest levels of transportation policy experience at his right hand.

Daniel L. Whitten | Staff Reporter
January 3, 2001

Dot.Com Firms Rise and Fall in 2000 Frenzy

The year 2000 bug got a lot of attention in 1999, but by Jan. 1, 2000, using the Internet to make money — or more precisely, lose money — was all the rage.

Daniel L. Whitten | Staff Reporter
January 3, 2001

Bush’s Chief of Staff Brings Transportation Expertise

When George W. Bush becomes president Jan. 20, he will have someone with the highest levels of transportation policy experience at his right hand - Andrew H. Card Jr.

Daniel L. Whitten | Staff Reporter
January 3, 2001

Mead Urges Bush to Get FMCSA Into Gear

When Bush-appointed officials settle into their new posts at the Department of Transportation, a top priority should be to improve the effectiveness of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, said DOT Inspector General Kenneth Mead.

Daniel L. Whitten | Staff Reporter
December 29, 2000