
Insurance Incentives May Be Looming Issue in Cost of Safety

Three years ago, truck driver Art Strauss invented a mirror that eliminates a blind spot on the right front of truck cabs. He’s having trouble getting fleets to buy the device because he says insurance companies offer no incentives for using technologies with safety advantages.

Daniel L. Whitten | Staff Reporter
September 15, 1999

Safety Technology Adopted Too Slowly, NTSB Chief Says

The chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board had a few choice words criticizing the slow pace the nation has taken in adopting proven technologies to make trucks safer.

Daniel L. Whitten | Staff Reporter
September 15, 1999

Don't Expect a Break on Insurance for Adopting Latest Technology

Insurers say the technology motor carriers may use to become safer is great, but truckers shouldn’t expect any rebates on insurance rates for adopting the equipment.

Daniel L. Whitten | Staff Reporter
September 8, 1999

Policy, Market Drive Technology

U.S. Xpress Enterprises of Chattanooga, Tenn., has used some of the most promising safety technologies in its trucks to cut preventable accidents by 75%, according to Max Fuller, the company’s chief operating officer.

Daniel L. Whitten | Staff Reporter
September 8, 1999

Data Recorders, Hours of Service in Uneasy Union

Those who insist that “black boxes” are the best way to track driver hours of service are trying to avoid a collision with trucking people who fear that onboard computers will be used to collect too much information.

Daniel L. Whitten | Staff Reporter
September 8, 1999

No Insurance Breaks for Safety Tech

Insurers say the technology motor carriers may use to become safer is great, but truckers shouldn’t expect any rebates on insurance rates for adopting the equipment.

Daniel L. Whitten | Staff Reporter
September 7, 1999

Technology on Hot Seat at Hearing

The battle lines are being drawn for what seems likely to be heated debate this week on improving trucking safety with technology.

Daniel L. Whitten | Staff Reporter
September 1, 1999

GPS Rolls Over With Little Fuss

Although global positioning systems in close to 100,000 cars in Japan reportedly shut down as programmers reset the clocks on older GPS satellites, major suppliers of tracking systems for trucks in the U.S. reported no problems.

Daniel L. Whitten | Staff Reporter
September 1, 1999

Oil Suppliers Declare Hoarding Unwarranted in Anticipation of Y2K

Oil suppliers say they are ready for the Year 2000, so consumers who fear a shortage associated with the Millennium Bug need not worry nor hoard oil in the days leading up to the turn of the century.

Daniel L. Whitten | Staff Reporter
September 1, 1999

Technology on Hot Seat in Hearing

The battle lines are being drawn for what seems likely to be a heated debate this week during federal hearings on improving trucking safety with technology.

Daniel L. Whitten | Staff Reporter
August 31, 1999