Business, Fuel

Oil Seen Stuck in $50 to $60 Range as Shale Blunts OPEC Action

The world should get used to oil prices between $50 and $60 a barrel as falling costs in America’s shale fields counteract OPEC’s renewed commitment to supply management.

Javier Blas | Bloomberg News
Grant Smith | Bloomberg News
Angelina Rascouet | Bloomberg News
October 18, 2016
Business, Fuel

IEA Changes View on Oil Glut, Sees Surplus Enduring in 2017

The surplus in global oil markets will last for longer than previously thought, persisting into late 2017 as demand growth slumps and supply proves resilient, the International Energy Agency reported.

Grant Smith | Bloomberg News
September 13, 2016
Business, Fuel

Oil Trims Weekly Drop as US Production Falls Most Since 2013

Oil trimmed its biggest weekly decline in three months as investors weighed the largest drop in U.S. output since 2013 and a jump in payrolls against a smaller-than-expected stockpile decline.

Grant Smith | Bloomberg News
July 8, 2016
Business, Fuel

Oil Rises From 10-Month High as US Stockpiles Seen Declining

Oil advanced from the highest close in more than 10 months before U.S. government data forecast to show crude stockpiles dropped for a third week, trimming a glut.

Grant Smith | Bloomberg News
June 7, 2016
Business, Fuel

Oil Trades Near Four-Month High as US Declines, Iraq Ramps Up

Oil traded near a four-month high in London, swinging between gains and losses as Iraq said it raised output to a record in March while U.S. production fell.

Grant Smith | Bloomberg News
April 11, 2016
Business, Fuel

IEA Says Oil Price May Have Bottomed

Oil prices may have passed their lowest point as shrinking supplies outside OPEC and disruptions inside the group erode the global surplus, the International Energy Agency said.

Grant Smith | Bloomberg News
March 11, 2016

Oil Glut Will Persist Into 2017 as IEA Sees Prices Capped

The global oil glut will persist into 2017, limiting any chance of a price rebound in the short term as the surplus takes even longer to clear than previously estimated, according to the International Energy Agency.

Grant Smith | Bloomberg News
February 22, 2016
Business, Fuel

IEA Raises Estimate of Surplus Oil Supply on Higher OPEC Output

The global oil surplus will be bigger than previously estimated in the first half, increasing the risk of further price losses, as OPEC members Iran and Iraq bolster production while demand growth slows, according to the International Energy Agency.

Grant Smith | Bloomberg News
February 9, 2016
Business, Fuel

Global Oil Market Could 'Drown in Oversupply'

Global oil markets could “drown in oversupply,” sending prices even lower as demand growth slows and Iran revives exports with the end of sanctions, according to the International Energy Agency.

Grant Smith | Bloomberg News
January 19, 2016
Business, Fuel

Oil Trades Near 12-Year Low as US Surplus Seen Worsening

Oil rose from the lowest close in more than 12 years in New York as volatility climbed amid speculation that prices have fallen too fast.

Grant Smith | Bloomberg News
January 12, 2016