
TAEC Voices Support for New ATA

Despite a small but vocal contingent of opponents, there was widespread support for the reorganization efforts of American Trucking Associations at the annual meeting of state trucking association executives.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
August 17, 1999

TAEC Members Back New ATA

Despite some vocal opponents, there was widespread support for the reorganization efforts of American Trucking Associations at the annual meeting of state trucking association executives.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
August 17, 1999

Court Says N.J. Drivers Get OT Pay

A federal court ruling could require New Jersey trucking companies to pay their drivers more for overtime work than a state regulation demanded.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
August 11, 1999

Terminal Shooting Leaves 2 Dead

A disgruntled maintenance worker at a Watkins Motor Lines terminal shot and killed a supervisor and then took his own life.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
August 11, 1999

Worker Claims Harassment Lawsuit Was Met With Threats

Dock worker David Jones is on medical leave from his job at a Yellow Freight System terminal in Minnesota after being awarded more than $1.75 million in a sexual harassment lawsuit against the company.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
August 11, 1999

Warehouse Owner Heads Truck Safety In Connecticut

Anthony D. Portanova is the new deputy commissioner of Connecticut’s Department of Motor Vehicles. He will oversee the agency’s Commercial Vehicle Safety, Dealers and Repairers and Auto Crime Investigative divisions.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
August 11, 1999

Emissions Testing Arrives for Chicago-Area Trucks

Gov. George Ryan signed laws that force Chicago-area trucks to undergo annual emissions tests and give trucks greater leeway on portable scales.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
August 11, 1999

Chicago Trucks to Face Smoke Tests

Gov. George Ryan signed laws that force Chicago-area trucks to undergo annual emissions tests and give trucks greater leeway on portable scales.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
August 11, 1999

Oregon Lawmakers Repeal Weight-Distance Truck Tax

Oregon legislators have given in to pressure from truckers and voted to eliminate the state’s 52-year-old weight-distance tax.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
August 4, 1999

Reorganization of ATA is Main Topic for State Association Executives

The leaders of state trucking associations are meeting this week to discuss several industry-related topics, including their comfort level with the restructuring of American Trucking Associations.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
August 4, 1999