Celadon to Acquire Zipp Express

Celadon Group signed a letter of intent on July 15 to acquire fellow Indianapolis carrier Zipp Express for an undisclosed amount and assumption of debt.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
July 15, 1999

Court Reinstates N.J. Hazwaste Fee

A New Jersey court handed down a surprising decision that reinstates a previously abolished hazardous waste transporter fee — at least for now..

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
July 15, 1999

N.J. Bans Long Trailers on Most Roads

New Jersey Gov. Christie Whitman used her emergency powers to ban interstate trucks with trailers of more than 48 feet long from thousands of miles of state, county and local roads.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
July 14, 1999

Illinois to Retest More CDL Holders

More Illinois truckers will be have to retake portions of their commercial driver license tests because of a bribery scandal involving state employees that just won’t go away.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
July 14, 1999

Groups Ask Calif. to Declassify Diesel Particulates as Toxic

Industry groups have asked California to declassify diesel exhaust particulates as a toxic air contaminant, and the state agency in charge of air quality has indicated a willingness to at least listen to the latest arguments from trucking.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
July 14, 1999

N.J. Gets Hazwaste Fee Back

A New Jersey court handed down a surprising decision that reinstates a previously abolished hazardous waste transporter fee — at least for now.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
July 14, 1999

Groups Seek Change in Calif. Air Rules

Industry groups have asked California to declassify diesel exhaust particulates as a toxic air contaminant, and the state has indicated a willingness to listen to trucking's latest arguments.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
July 12, 1999

Illinois to Retest More CDL Holders

More Illinois truckers will be have to retake portions of their commercial driver license tests because of a CDL-selling racket involving state employees. A state spokesman said the 195 truckers will have one opportunity to take a newly written test from July 12 to 16 or face losing their driving privileges.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
July 9, 1999

Delays Prompt STB to Order Reports

Norfolk Southern and CSX railroads continued to experience service problems in the wake of their joint $10 billion acquisition of Conrail, prompting the U.S. Surface Transportation Board to order them to provide daily information on congestion and the condition of their freight systems.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
July 7, 1999

Va. Hazmat Crash Illustrates Problems

The decision to close Interstate 95 in Virginia after a truckload of blackpowder overturned in June has spurred some in the transportation industry to question the preparedness and competency of the nation’s first line of defense when an accident involving hazardous materials occurs.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
July 7, 1999