New York Teamsters Pension Cuts to Take Effect Despite 2-1 Opposing Vote
The U.S. Treasury Department on Sept. 13 announced that active and retired Teamsters across upstate New York had voted against big pension reductions by better than a 2-1 ratio.
Union Pacific Acquires Fruit, Vegetable Shipping Firm Railex
Union Pacific, the nation’s largest railroad, has acquired the refrigerated and cold-storage facilities of Railex in Rotterdam, N.Y., Wallula, Washington, and Delano, California.
In New York, Natural Gas Growing Slowly as Alternative Fuel for Trucks
Running a truck with natural gas instead of diesel cuts down on cost, noise and exhaust emissions. But those benefits come with a big caveat: There are only a few dozen places in New York state that the public can fuel up with natural gas.
'Without Trucks, Man, We're Doomed'
The reality of life along the interstate is a leading reason for a growing shortage of long-haul truck drivers, even as trucking firms maintain near-continual recruitment campaigns and offer lucrative incentives to attract and retain drivers.