Ill. to Install Weigh-in-Motion Scales

If time is money for truckers, then Illinois is helping them make a few dollars with the installation of 14 new weigh-in-motion systems.

Margaret Gordetsky | Staff Reporter
August 14, 2000

Canadian Trucking Balks at Diesel's 'Toxic' Label

Canada’s ongoing regulatory struggle to classify diesel particulate matter has provoked a strong response from the trucking industry.

Margaret Gordetsky | Staff Reporter
August 11, 2000

Organizers Cancel 'Truckcan' Show

The show won’t go on as the organizer of Truckcan, touted as the “Biggest Truck Show in Canada,” pulled the plug on Aug. 4.

Margaret Gordetsky | Staff Reporter
August 11, 2000

Federal Initiative Aims to Improve Driver Health

Eat better and live a healthier lifestyle. That is the advice from a soon-to-be-released report on “Gettin in Gear,” a federal initiative that seeks to improve the health of the nation’s truck drivers as an antidote to fatigue and drowsy-driving problems.

Margaret Gordetsky | Staff Reporter
August 10, 2000

Pre-Arrival Customs Processing Hailed at Canada-U.S. Peace Bridge

Carriers using the Peace Bridge to bring loads from Canada to the United States through Buffalo, N.Y., reportedly are breezing through more easily and in greater numbers than before, thanks to the U.S. Customs Pre-Arrival Processing System and the span’s Commercial Vehicle Processing Center.

Margaret Gordetsky | Staff Reporter
August 9, 2000

'Getting In Gear'

Eat better and live a healthier lifestyle. That is the advice from a soon-to-be-released report on “Gettin in Gear,” a federal initiative that seeks to improve the health of the nation’s truck drivers as an antidote to fatigue and drowsy-driving problems.

Margaret Gordetsky | Staff Reporter
August 9, 2000

Study Finds Canadian Drivers Are Older, Busier, Paid Less Than Other Workers

Long hours, low pay and older men. That’s the profile of Canadian truck drivers and their work patterns, according to Statistics Canada.

Margaret Gordetsky | Staff Reporter
August 9, 2000

Study: Canadian Truckers Are Older, Paid Less

Long hours, low pay and older men. That’s the profile of Canadian truck drivers and their work patterns, according to Statistics Canada.

Margaret Gordetsky | Staff Reporter
August 9, 2000

Customs Automation Hits Another Snag

Funding for U.S. Customs automation in fiscal 2001 has hit a new snag. While a House bill has allocated $105 million for Automated Commercial Environment development, the Senate version contains not one dollar for ACE.

Margaret Gordetsky | Staff Reporter
August 3, 2000

Ontario Court Blocks Random Drug Testing

Requiring employees to submit to random drug tests is an invasion of privacy, a provincial court in Ontario, Canada, has ruled.

Margaret Gordetsky | Staff Reporter
August 2, 2000