
Trailer ABS System Passes Test,But Hurdles Still Remain in Path

The PLC4Trucks powerline protocol that will warn a driver of a faulty trailer antilock brake system was effective in tests and is expected to work on the road. But not all issues are resolved.

Tom Berg | Special to Transport Topics
April 1, 1999

Shifting to Automated Transmissions

Is there an automatic transmission in your future?

Tom Berg | Special to Transport Topics
April 1, 1999

Fuel Tanks Must Be Up to Specs

Did Dec. 22 come and go with a splash? It was the deadline for compliance with federal laws on underground fuel storage tanks.

Tom Berg | Special to Transport Topics
December 28, 1998

Fuel Tanks Must Be Up to Specs

Did Dec. 22 come and go with a splash? It was the deadline for compliance with federal laws on underground fuel storage tanks.

Tom Berg | Special to Transport Topics
December 23, 1998

Some Bridges Seen Able to Take More Weight

Weight limits on some rural bridges can be increased 25% or more without compromising safety or inflicting damage, allowing heavy vehicles to use the spans and cut their operating costs, according to a civil engineer from the University of Missouri at Columbia.

Tom Berg | Special to Transport Topics
December 22, 1998

Volvo Thinks It Has a Hit in Its 660 Integral Sleeper

Volvo’s new VN-660 highway tractor must be just what customers want, because they’ve already ordered more than 1,500 units even though dealers don’t have any in stock, said executives of Volvo Trucks North America during a news briefing.

Tom Berg | Special to Transport Topics
November 9, 1998

Fasteners From Good Sources

Next time you think you’re running out of things to worry about, walk through the maintenance shop and check the bolt bins. There are enough potential disasters lurking there to give your corporate legal counsel ulcers.

Tom Berg | Special to Transport Topics
October 26, 1998

When Is Intermodal a Good Way to Go?

Is intermodal worth the risk? “What risk?” protested two railroaders on a panel of logisticians discussing truck-rail movement of containers and piggyback trailers.

Tom Berg | Special to Transport Topics
October 20, 1998

Creativity: Turn People Loose With High-Tech Tools

Everyone who’s anyone in America’s vast distribution network has computer-based information and communication systems. These days you can’t do business without them. But in the words of one major player, “It’s not what you use but how you use it.”

Tom Berg | Special to Transport Topics
October 20, 1998

Survey Shows 'Good News' for High-Tech Carriers

Shippers have been spending more on transportation and using more technology. They are dealing with fewer carriers and getting more for their money.

Tom Berg | Special to Transport Topics
October 20, 1998