Donald Trump Transportation News Updates
Trump Signs Executive Order Expanding Health Care Options for Associations
President Donald Trump signed an executive order Oct. 12 at an event attended by trucking industry executives that will allow small-business owners more health care options by enabling them to purchase insurance that does not fall under the aegis of the Affordable Care Act.
Video Highlights: Trump Meets With Trucking Leaders to Tout Tax Reform
Video highlights from President Donald Trump's Oct. 11, 2017 address to leaders of the trucking industry and others at an Air National Guard hangar outside Harrisburg, Pa.
October 11, 2017Trump Rallies Truckers to Support Overhaul of Tax Code
MIDDLETOWN, Pa. — President Donald Trump discussed the various benefits trucking companies will reap from his tax plan before an audience of industry executives at an Air National Guard airplane hangar outside of Harrisburg on Oct. 11.
Lawmakers Seek Industry Input on Infrastructure Plan
Missouri’s chief of transportation will join manufacturing and construction executives to share their perspective with House lawmakers this week about infrastructure projects in need of funding.
US Demands Risk Scuttling NAFTA Talks
U.S. officials in NAFTA negotiations are making proposals on battleground issues that Canada and Mexico would never agree to, intensifying doubts of reaching compromise on their tight timeline, according to three officials familiar with the talks.
Trump Calls 20% Corporate Tax Rate in Plan a ‘Perfect Number’
President Donald Trump and Republican leaders launched an urgent effort to get a major legislative win this year, announcing a long-awaited tax plan that will immediately set off a fight over how much top earners should pay.
September 27, 2017Trump To Address Manufacturer Association on Sept. 29
President Donald Trump was due to address the National Association of Manufacturers on Sept. 29, and discuss tax reform in a bid to boost economic growth.
Trump Plan Would Cut Taxes for Corporations, Wealthy
President Donald Trump and Republican leaders plan to release a tax framework this week that would dramatically cut taxes for corporations and the wealthy, provide a measure of middle-class tax relief and punish some households in Democratic-leaning states like New York and New Jersey.
Trump Urges Congress to Reform Tax Code
The marching orders to Congress from President Donald Trump in a fiery speech in Missouri Aug. 30 were clear: reform the country’s tax code.
Mexico Says It Won’t Renegotiate NAFTA With President Trump Via Twitter
Mexico will not renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement or any other aspect of its relationship with the United States via social media or the press, the Mexican government declared Aug. 27
August 28, 2017