electric vehicle News Updates
Electrification Finds Its Ground Zero in California
LONG BEACH, Calif. — Expanding options for battery-electric technology and hybrid-electric and natural-gas engines are converging alongside efforts to protect forthcoming clear-air regulations, and longtime industry players must be ready to react to this evolving landscape, panelists said here at the Advanced Clean Transportation Expo, held April 30-May 3.
Electric Trucks Show Rapid Development
WASHINGTON — Electric-vehicle technology for the medium- and heavy-duty sector is developing rapidly, but the price and range of these vehicles must improve for widespread deployment to take hold, industry experts said.
ACT Expo in Long Beach to Add Commercial Electric Vehicle Summit
Organizers of the Advanced Clean Transportation Expo are expanding their annual event in Long Beach, Calif., to include information on and examples of commercial electric vehicles
September 11, 2017FedEx Express to Test Electric Cargo Truck in D.C.
FedEx Express said it will begin testing a 100% electric vehicle under real conditions in Washington, D.C.
January 27, 2014