Letters: Change the Basis for Ranking Logistics 50
I take exception to your methodology in ranking logistics companies. I grant that it is tough to compare apples to oranges to bananas, which is what is required to compare dedicated fleet providers to warehouse and distribution center providers to managed transportation providers, brokers and air and ocean freight forwarders.
June 8, 2015Letters: Driverless Vehicles; New Highway Taxes?
The analyst in the Bloomberg News story, “Driverless Vehicles May Cut US Auto Sales by 40%, Analyst Says”, evidently assumed that autonomous vehicles would have to travel farther to account for deadhead miles to get to and from each person being served.
June 1, 2015Letters: Safety Streak; and Why Drivers Quit
This week's letters look at an impressive safety streak, and why drivers quit.
March 2, 2015Letters: Training New Drivers; Fuel-Price Volatility
I just finished watching the LiveOnWeb panel discussion about the driver shortage, and I appreciated how you looked at a very complex problem, packaging issues together that definitely affect driver retention and hiring.
February 23, 2015Letter: Doing More to Recruit Drivers
Last year brought some great gifts to trucking — higher rates, dropping fuel prices, increased tonnage and hours-of-service relief, to name a few. The one item that trucking did not get in 2014 was an increased driver pool. I think we all know this problem will haunt trucking for many years to come.
February 16, 2015Letter: Great Discussion On Hiring Drivers
Concerning the LiveOnWeb panel conversation that focused on the truck-driver shortage (1/13), I have to say it was a great discussion.
February 2, 2015Letter: Why Increase Taxes On Fuel?
In the annual State of American Business address by U.S. Chamber of Commerce President Thomas Donohue in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 14, he talks about making it easier for businesses and workers to move ahead and ease the tax burden that is on them, along with getting the government out of the way so that business owners can do what they do best — which is to create jobs and produce products or services.
January 26, 2015Letters: Archives, Retaining Drivers, Road Funds Leadership
Your article about the Transport Topics archives project included a picture of Ted Rodgers that brought back memories you may find of interest.
January 19, 2015Letter: Invest in Devices, or Drivers?
In the “stick or carrot” discussion of employee motivation and management, electronic logging devices typically are considered as and used as a “stick” against truck drivers.
January 5, 2015Letter to the Editor: Autonomous Railcars
I was asked by a top consulting firm what I see as the future of autonomous vehicles as it relates to the trucking industry. I have never been asked such a futuristic question in all my years in trucking.
December 15, 2014