Panama Canal Completes 96% of Expansion Project
The Panama Canal Authority has completed 96% of the work on its expansion project, which will more than double the critical waterway’s capacity when it is finished and open to vessels later this year.
January 5, 2016Leaky Locks May Further Delay $5.3 Billion Panama Canal Widening
The April opening of Panama’s $5.3 billion expanded canal, originally set for 2014, could be delayed further depending on repairs to leaks discovered in the new locks during testing as the waterway ends a year of record shipments, administrator Jorge Quijano said.
Panama Canal Dispute With Contractors Won’t Delay Expansion, Official Says
ATLANTA — The expansion of the Panama Canal will move forward on schedule, despite an ongoing dispute with contractors, an administrator for the Panama Canal Authority told transportation executives.
January 27, 2014Maritime Agency Report Assesses Canal Expansion
The Maritime Administration has released a Panama Canal expansion report that tentatively concluded that increased competition would lower freight costs through East Coast and West Coast ports once larger ships can use the waterway.