Va. Governor Signs Transportation Bill to Alter Fuel Tax, End I-95 Toll Plan
Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell (R) has signed a transportation bill that ends the 17.5-cent-per-gallon tax on diesel and gasoline, imposes taxes on wholesale fuel sales and prohibits tolls on Interstate 95 without legislative approval.
Opinion: A New ‘Tax’ on Carriers
On Oct. 1, an estimated 150,000 motor carriers currently engaging in unlicensed brokerage will find themselves subject to what amounts to an enormous new tax, courtesy of the latest transportation funding law — Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century, or MAP-21.
March 18, 2013Maryland Gov. Proposes New Gas Tax
Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) proposed changing the state’s fuel-tax structure by lowering the retail tax on gasoline but boosting the wholesale tax, which would in effect raise the tax on end users, the Washington Post reported Tuesday.
March 5, 2013Petri Backs VMT for Highway Financing
WASHINGTON — The chairman of a key House subcommittee that oversees highways said a tax on the number of miles a vehicle travels is the fairest way to raise the money needed to support the nation’s transportation infrastructure.
March 4, 2013Minnesota Tax Proposal Draws Trucking Industry’s Concern
A Minnesota proposal to impose a new 5.5% tax on a wide range of services that include trucking would add a large cost to the state’s trucking industry, the Minnesota Trucking Association said.
Missouri Lawmakers Consider Adding a Penny to Sales Tax for Transportation
Missouri lawmakers are debating whether to add a penny to the state sales tax and dedicate the new revenue to transportation.
Wyoming Fuel Taxes Will Rise 10¢ on July 1
Wyoming has agreed to increase its tax on diesel and gasoline by 10 cents, to 24 cents a gallon as of July 1, a change that was supported by the state’s trucking industry.
February 25, 2013Virginia House Votes to End Retail Fuel Tax
The Virginia House of Delegates passed a bill Friday afternoon that would eliminate the state’s retail taxes on diesel and gasoline and replace them with a wholesale tax for fuel distributors and an increased sales tax, the Richmond Times-Dispatch reported.
Wyoming Gov. Signs Bill to Add a Dime to State’s 14-Cent Diesel, Gasoline Tax
Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead (R) has signed a bill that will add a dime to the state’s 14-cent-per-gallon tax on diesel and gasoline.
Va. Lawmakers Reach Tentative Deal on Transportation Funding
Virginia House and Senate negotiators agreed to a compromise transportation plan Wednesday that would eliminate the per-gallon tax on diesel and gasoline, replacing both with wholesale taxes paid by fuel distributors, the Richmond (Va.) Times-Dispatch reported.