Port of Virginia Reports Record Annual Volume
The Port of Virginia reported it handled record volume of more than 2.3 million 20-foot equivalent units in 2014, up 7.6% over the previous year, but cited “challenges” for truckers that serve the port.
Port of Virginia Launches Motor Carrier Task Force
The Port of Virginia has announced the formation of a motor carrier task force to suggest solutions to delays at the port’s state-controlled marine terminals that affect the ability of truck drivers to efficiently move cargo.
February 20, 2014Virginia Lawmakers Ratify Transportation Bill
Virginia’s General Assembly voted to ratify the provisions in the transportation bill signed by Gov. Bob McDonnell (R), the Associated Press reported.
April 4, 2013Virginia Lawmakers Approve New Transportation Plan
The Virginia General Assembly passed a sweeping transportation plan that would cut the state’s retail taxes on diesel and gasoline and replace them with a wholesale tax on fuel distributors, raise the state’s sales tax to help fund transportation projects and curtail plans to toll Interstate 95.
February 26, 2013