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Logistics News
Business, Logistics, For-Hire

PS Logistics Subsidiary Acquires Noble

DMT Trucking announced Aug. 9 that it has completed its acquisition of the Scottsboro, Ala.-based Noble family of transportation businesses.

August 18, 2022
Government, Business, Logistics

Railroads Back Plan Calling for 24% Raises

OMAHA, Neb. — The major freight railroads signaled they’re ready to negotiate a new deal with their workers based on a presidential report that calls for 24% raises, but the 12 unions involved in the stalled talks covering 115,000 workers still haven’t commented on the recommendations.

Josh Funk | Associated Press
August 17, 2022
Business, Logistics

Spending on Merchandise Slowing, Flexport Says

The latest reading of Flexport’s Post-COVID Indicator released Aug. 16 shows it falling for a third straight month.

Brendan Murray | Bloomberg News
August 16, 2022
Government, Business, Logistics

L.A. Warehousing Mecca Halts Expansion Just as Needs Soar

Communities in the Inland Empire, the logistics mecca east of Los Angeles, are suspending new warehousing projects to examine the impact from decades of pollution, putting the industry under pressure when it’s needed most.

August 15, 2022
Government, Business, Logistics, TCA

Port of Mobile Sets Record for Container Shipping in July

The Alabama Port Authority set a new benchmark in July, moving more cargo containers than ever before, and port officials say that Mobile’s performance in an era of supply chain turmoil is being noticed.

Lawrence Specker | Alabama Media Group
August 15, 2022
Government, Business, Logistics, TCA

Los Angeles, Long Beach Ports Hail Supply Chain Progress

In January, a record 109 ships awaited entry into the combined ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, often stretching to south Orange County. On Aug. 11, that number stood at nine ships.

Donna Littlejohn | Los Angeles Daily News
August 15, 2022
Government, Business, Logistics, TCA

USPS to Hike Prices in October for ‘Peak Holiday Season’

The U.S. Postal Service announced it intends to hike prices in October for holiday shipping.

Claudia Dimuro | pennlive.com
August 12, 2022
Government, Business, Logistics, Perspective

Perspective: Taking Industry Action on AB 5

The Transportation Intermediaries Association was extremely disappointed that the Supreme Court elected not to hear California Trucking Association's challenge to the Ninth Circuit ruling.

Chris Burroughs | Vice President of Government Affairs, Transportation Intermediaries Association 
August 11, 2022
Government, Business, Technology, Logistics

Entire US Supply Chain Needs 24/7 Operations, Not Just Ports, Official Says

All parts of the U.S. supply chain — not just its ports — need to move to round-the-clock operations to alleviate snarl-ups and reduce overall costs, President Joe Biden’s supply chain czar said.

Ngai Yeung | Bloomberg News
August 10, 2022
Government, Business, Fuel, Logistics

ATRI Reports Cost of Trucking Notches Record in 2021

Soaring prices for diesel fuel, rising maintenance costs and higher wages for drivers pushed the price of operating a truck up 12.7% in 2021 to $1.855 per mile — the highest level on record — according a report released Aug. 10 by the American Transportation Research Institute.

August 9, 2022
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