Trucking Industry Safety News
Transportation businesses face a host of dynamic risk issues that can significantly impact their financial and operational health. The news in this category focuses on the latest safety and security initiatives, resources and regulations and addresses topics that include fleet safety, claims administration, driver hiring and retention, risk management and compliance.
FMCSA to Outline Priorities at TRB Session Jan. 15
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is scheduled to host its annual policy review session at the Transportation Research Board’s annual meeting Jan. 15, the agency announced this week.
FMCSA Seeks Comments on Vehicle Maintenance Practices
Federal trucking regulators have issued a request for comments on the role that vehicle maintenance plays in motor carrier safety. The responses will be included in research that will use online surveys to obtain data to address the study’s objectives.
Letter: Keep Urging Young People to Pick Trucking as a Career
I read with interest your excellent article highlighting college students’ participation at ATA’s Management Conference & Exhibition in October in Austin.
December 4, 2018Opinion: How the DRIVE-Safe Act Could End the Driver Shortage
The persistent truck driver shortage is the industry’s top overall concern — and for good reason.
Earthquake Strikes Southern Alaska, Threatening Oil Exports
A magnitude 7 earthquake struck Alaska early Nov. 30, shutting the state’s most important oil pipeline and potentially threatening crude exports.
Border Funding Complicates Freight Policy as Congress Tries to Avoid Shutdown
A year-end funding bill that is likely to include provisions related to electronic logging devices and autonomous cars is almost finalized. Yet, disputes surrounding security along the border with Mexico as well as tensions over an investigation into the 2016 presidential election are complicating spending talks.
New York DOT Removes Controversial Highway Signs
The New York State Department of Transportation completed ahead of schedule the removal of hundreds of the large blue tourism signs that line highways.
Narcoleptic Truck Driver Seeks Exemption to Get Behind the Wheel
An Illinois truck driver has filed a rare exemption request with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration that he be allowed to drive a heavy truck in interstate commerce despite his medical condition that regulators say likely could cause a loss of consciousness or an inability to control a commercial vehicle.
Effective Cab Ergonomics Has Key Role in Driver Productivity, Safety and Health, Industry Experts Say
Manufacturers that supply over-the-road trucks, as well as those who operate them, have something to say about their trucks’ cab design. And ergonomics plays a critical role to help enable drivers to perform efficiently.
New York City to Roll Out ‘High Vision’ Trucks
New York City’s initiative to reduce traffic deaths may be called Vision Zero, but for municipal truck drivers it will translate into a little more vision — in the form of fewer blind spots.