
About Safety News...

Transportation businesses face a host of dynamic risk issues that can significantly impact their financial and operational health. The news in this category focuses on the latest safety and security initiatives, resources and regulations and addresses topics that include fleet safety, claims administration, driver hiring and retention, risk management and compliance.

Business, Safety

Mixing Medium- and Heavy-Duty Crash Data Skews Safety Trends, ATRI Study Says

A new study of large truck crash data shows that the number of crashes involving smaller commercial vehicles and intrastate motor carriers is increasing at a faster rate than crashes involving larger trucks and interstate motor carriers.

Daniel P. Bearth | Staff Writer
May 30, 2013
Government, Safety

FMCSA Proposes Eliminating Fleet Financial Reporting Requirement

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration proposed a new rule Friday that would eliminate a quarterly financial data reporting requirement for some interstate motor carriers.

May 28, 2013
Government, Safety

FMCSA Shuts Down Colorado Carrier

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration said Friday it has shut down GD Cars Inc., an Aurora, Colo., trucking company that carried used cars and trucks, saying the carrier’s operation of commercial vehicles “poses an imminent hazard to public safety.”

Timothy Cama | Staff Reporter
May 28, 2013
Government, Safety, Business

U.S. to Ease Inspections Rule for Truckers, Official Says

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration will propose a regulation later this year that would absolve truck drivers of their duty to file reports about truck and trailer inspections that do not find any equipment defects, a federal official said.

May 21, 2013
Editorial, Safety

Editorial: Better Testing for Better Safety

In these times of failure to budget, filibusters and perpetual political campaigns, it is gratifying to see government and industry agree on some practical ideas, namely the National Transportation Safety Board’s report on eliminating impaired driving.

May 20, 2013
Business, Government, Safety

Report Questions Effectiveness of TWIC After Biometric Card Readers Fail Tests

The Transportation Security Administration’s $23 million pilot test of Transportation Worker Identification Credential biometric card readers at 17 sites failed to prove that the technology actually works as intended, according to a new government report.

May 20, 2013

NTSB Seeks to Lower Blood-Alcohol Limit to 0.05 for Drivers of Passenger Vehicles

Passenger motorists would be considered drunk and prohibited from driving if their blood-alcohol content exceeded 0.05, based on recommendations proposed last week by the National Transportation Safety Board.

May 20, 2013
Government, Safety

FMCSA to Halt Reporting Rule for Trucks, Trailer Inspections That Find No Defect

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration will propose a regulation later this year that would absolve truck drivers of their duty to file reports about truck and trailer inspections that do not find any equipment defects, a federal official said.

Timothy Cama | Staff Reporter
May 14, 2013
Business, Safety, Government

Proposal Would Require Same-Day Reports of Drivers’ Medical Results to Government

Medical professionals would be required to report the results of physical examinations of commercial drivers to the federal government on the same day as the exam under a regulation proposed last week.

May 13, 2013
Business, Safety, Government, Autonomous

TSA Awards Contract to Triumph Enterprises to Train Drivers to Spot Terrorist Activities

The Transportation Security Administration has awarded a contract to Triumph Enterprises Inc. to continue a program, initially started by American Trucking Associations, to train commercial drivers to spot possible terrorist activities on U.S. highways, according to a memo obtained by Transport Topics.

May 13, 2013