$1.6 Billion Project Approved by Texas Transport Agency
After months spent hashing out how to pay the $1.6 billion tab, North Texas’ most pressing freeway need at long last gained the blessing of the Texas Transportation Commission at its May 24 meeting.
Uber Aims to Restart Self-Driving Car Tests in Pittsburgh This Summer
Uber is shutting down testing operations in Arizona and focusing instead on testing in Pittsburgh and San Francisco, according to an internal e-mail from Eric Meyhofer, a Carnegie Mellon University graduate and the head of Uber’s self-driving car operations.
Missouri Lawmakers Send 10¢ Gas Tax Proposal to November Ballot
Missouri voters will have the opportunity in November to vote on a tax increase that would fund road and bridge projects across the state.
Wabtec to Merge With GE Transportation
GE Transportation, a foundation piece of the company built by inventor Thomas Edison, a business founded in Erie, Pa., and based there for most of its 110-year history, is merging with another Pennsylvania company in a deal worth $11.1 billion.
Illinois Town, Love’s Reach $750,000 Development Agreement
The Decatur City Council on May 21 unanimously approved a first-of-its-kind development agreement for a new Love’s Travel Stop & Country Store.
Wi-Fi in the Road? Kansas City Start-Up Developing ‘Smart’ Pavement
Self-driving cars have captured the limelight when it comes to how you’ll get around in the future, but one Kansas City technology start-up is looking at the road itself.
Drone Deliveries Ready to Soar in Japan, but Issues Linger wowed the world in 2013 with a video purporting to show what the future of the delivery industry would look like. But are we any closer to that now? The answer seems to be no — at least in Japan.
Georgia Technical College Unveils Transportation Academy
During a recent forum focusing on the region’s workforce, Southern Ag Carriers President Hugh Nall lamented that finding qualified CDL drivers was a difficult task for the company.
May 18, 2018Planning Board Wants Virginia to Study Tax Based on Miles Driven
With the rise of electric and other fuel-efficient vehicles, the state Virginia association of metropolitan planners is asking state Secretary of Transportation Shannon Valentine to take a look at a new way to pay for roads.
Millions Spent to Clean Up California’s Diesel Trucks, but Is It Enough?
This spring, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency awarded nearly $6.4 million to the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District to replace older diesel trucks for those that run nearly 90% cleaner, and older farm tractors for those that meet the latest emissions standards.