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Government, Logistics, TCA

$1.6 Billion Project Approved by Texas Transport Agency

After months spent hashing out how to pay the $1.6 billion tab, North Texas’ most pressing freeway need at long last gained the blessing of the Texas Transportation Commission at its May 24 meeting.

Ray Leszcynski | The Dallas Morning News
May 25, 2018
Business, Technology, Equipment, Autonomous, TCA

Uber Aims to Restart Self-Driving Car Tests in Pittsburgh This Summer

Uber is shutting down testing operations in Arizona and focusing instead on testing in Pittsburgh and San Francisco, according to an internal e-mail from Eric Meyhofer, a Carnegie Mellon University graduate and the head of Uber’s self-driving car operations.

Aaron Aupperlee | The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
May 24, 2018
Government, Fuel, Logistics, TCA

Missouri Lawmakers Send 10¢ Gas Tax Proposal to November Ballot

Missouri voters will have the opportunity in November to vote on a tax increase that would fund road and bridge projects across the state.

Emily Younker | The Joplin (Mo.) Globe
May 24, 2018
Business, Equipment, TCA

Wabtec to Merge With GE Transportation

GE Transportation, a foundation piece of the company built by inventor Thomas Edison, a business founded in Erie, Pa., and based there for most of its 110-year history, is merging with another Pennsylvania company in a deal worth $11.1 billion.

Jim Martin | Erie (Pa.) Times-News
May 22, 2018
Government, Business, Fuel, TCA

Illinois Town, Love’s Reach $750,000 Development Agreement

The Decatur City Council on May 21 unanimously approved a first-of-its-kind development agreement for a new Love’s Travel Stop & Country Store.

Tom Lisi | Herald & Review (Decatur, Ill.)
May 22, 2018
Business, Technology, Equipment, Safety, Logistics, TCA

Wi-Fi in the Road? Kansas City Start-Up Developing ‘Smart’ Pavement

Self-driving cars have captured the limelight when it comes to how you’ll get around in the future, but one Kansas City technology start-up is looking at the road itself.

Robert A. Cronkleton | The Kansas City Star
May 21, 2018
Business, Technology, Equipment, Logistics, Autonomous, TCA

Drone Deliveries Ready to Soar in Japan, but Issues Linger wowed the world in 2013 with a video purporting to show what the future of the delivery industry would look like. But are we any closer to that now? The answer seems to be no — at least in Japan.

Kazuaki Nagata | Japan Times, Tokyo
May 21, 2018
Business, Logistics, TCA

Georgia Technical College Unveils Transportation Academy

During a recent forum focusing on the region’s workforce, Southern Ag Carriers President Hugh Nall lamented that finding qualified CDL drivers was a difficult task for the company.

May 18, 2018
Government, Fuel, Logistics, TCA

Planning Board Wants Virginia to Study Tax Based on Miles Driven

With the rise of electric and other fuel-efficient vehicles, the state Virginia association of metropolitan planners is asking state Secretary of Transportation Shannon Valentine to take a look at a new way to pay for roads.

Jordan Pascale | The Virginian-Pilot
May 18, 2018
Government, Business, Equipment, Safety, TCA

Millions Spent to Clean Up California’s Diesel Trucks, but Is It Enough?

This spring, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency awarded nearly $6.4 million to the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District to replace older diesel trucks for those that run nearly 90% cleaner, and older farm tractors for those that meet the latest emissions standards.

Steven Mayer | The Bakersfield Californian
May 16, 2018