Massachusetts, Iowa Enact Distracted Driving Laws

Massachusetts and Iowa enacted laws to combat distracted driving late last week, with Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick (D) signed legislation Friday outlawing texting while driving, making his the 29th state to outlaw the practice.

The new law, which takes effect in October, makes texting a primary offense, allowing law enforcement officers to ticket drivers seen texting while driving or at stop signs or traffic lights. Violators will be fined $100.

In Iowa, meanwhile, the state’s new texting-while-driving ban took effect Thursday, but only warning citations will be issued during the first year.

After that, Iowa law enforcement officers will begin issuing tickets that carry fines of $30, or larger if texting contributes to an accident or injury.

In Iowa, texting while driving is only a secondary offense, meaning drivers can be ticketed for texting only if they are stopped in connection with another traffic violation.