Peterbilt Develops New Coating Technology

T.J. Kirkpatrick/Bloomberg News

Peterbilt Motors Co. announced the introduction of a newly formulated paint for heavy-truck cabs and sleepers that is designed to enhance coating color and durability.

The company said the coating also has environmental benefits as it reduces carbon use. The new formulations are available in base and clear coat applications that are applied robotically, the statement said. They also can also be used for aftermarket repainting and refinishing.

“The new paint coatings have better color characteristics for greater gloss, reflectivity and luster,” said Leon Handt, Peterbilt’s assistant general manager of operations. “Resistance to environmental damage, such as acid rain, de-icers and bird debris is also increased.”

The coatings are applied at Peterbilt’s Denton, Texas plant, where the company has implemented other environment-related steps such as a no-idle policy and carpooling.