Hours Proposal Reignites Fatigue Debate

Now that the Department of Transportation’s long-awaited hours proposal is on the table for everyone to examine, the scientific research into fatigue that forms the basis for the government’s revisions will likely become a hot topic of debate.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
May 11, 2000

Hours Rule Comments Begin Flowing to DOT

The 90-day clock on the comment period for the Department of Transportation’s proposed changes to the hours-of-service regulation began ticking May 2, but response was already flowing into the agency as truck drivers, industry executives and safety critics took to the Internet to post their opinions.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
May 10, 2000

NTSB Questions Adequacy Of Rest Areas, CDL Oversight

The National Transportation Safety Board is about to chide the Department of Transportation for not providing truck drivers adequate opportunities to get a full measure of rest while on the road, according to the chairman of the NTSB.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
May 10, 2000

Illinois Association Expresses Interest In ATA’s Intermodal Conference

The Illinois Transportation Association is trying to build interest in taking over management of the soon-to-be defunct Intermodal Conference of American Trucking Associations.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
May 10, 2000

Proposal to Reignite Battle Over Fatigue Research

Tired of the controversy surrounding hours of service for truck drivers? Now that the Department of Transportation’s long-awaited proposal is on the table for everyone to examine, expect even more tooth-gnashing, centering on the scientific research into fatigue that forms the basis for the government’s revisions of the regulations.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
May 10, 2000

Carriers, Inspectors React to DOT's Hours Proposal

Some of the men and women on the front lines of the battle against driver fatigue are worried that the Department of Transportation’s revisions to the hours-of-service regulations may be too complicated to enforce effectively.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
May 10, 2000

FMCSA Is Product of a ‘Terrible, Swift Sword’

Pat Quigley rang in the New Year in his office in Harrisburg, Pa., on alert in case of any transportation-related problems started with the new century. Then it struck him: He was also ringing in a new beginning for trucking enforcement.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
May 10, 2000

CVSA President Seeks Common Ground in Trucking Safety Goals

The elected leader of the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance wants to build partnerships with highway safety and truck crash victim advocacy groups to help improve truck and bus safety.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
May 10, 2000

FHWA to Hold Size-Weight Workshop

Regulators, researchers and interest groups will hash out federal truck size and weight issues at a workshop that runs from May 10 to 11 in Irvine, Calif.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
May 10, 2000

Hours Comments Flow to DOT

The Department of Transportation's comment period for the proposed changes to the hours-of-service regulation began last week, but response was already flowing into the agency as truck drivers, industry executives and safety critics took to the Internet to post their opinions.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
May 10, 2000