Bills Would Protect Rental Industry From Liability for Customer Accidents

The truck renting and leasing industry is thrilled about proposed legislation that would prevent lessors from being held liable for accidents caused by their customers.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
June 7, 1999

Opinion: Spreading Out, Reigning In

In politics, it often seems there are no new ideas, only new leaders advocating the same themes, repackaged for a new generation of voters. Remember 1988 and the television commercials showing toxic waste pouring into Boston Harbor? As the 2000 election season heats up, expect to see commercials talking about the horrors of suburban sprawl and smog.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
June 2, 1999

ATA Foundation Turns to Science

Keeping in step with their parent organizations, several foundations affiliated with trucking trade groups are changing their emphasis.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
June 2, 1999

Mineta Calls for Stronger FHWA If Congress Won’t OK Truck Office

Former congressman Norman Mineta recommends keeping motor carrier safety oversight within the Federal Highway Administration and giving it more resources, including additional senior staff.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
June 2, 1999

ATA Foundation Turns to Science

Keeping in step with their parent organizations, several foundations affiliated with trucking trade groups are changing their emphasis.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
June 2, 1999

Mineta Calls for Stronger FHWA If Congress Won't OK Truck Office

Former congressman Norman Mineta recommends keeping motor carrier safety oversight within the Federal Highway Administration and giving it more resources, including additional senior staff.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
June 1, 1999

Mineta: Beef Up FHWA

Leave the motor carrier safety office where it is and make it stronger, suggested the leader of a blue ribbon panel that reviewed federal truck and bus safety.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
May 27, 1999

Teamsters Threaten Strike if Discussions On Carhaul Pact Fail

Teamsters union negotiators threatened to call a strike if bargaining with major vehicle-transport companies doesn’t produce an acceptable labor contract by May 31.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
May 26, 1999

NTTC Weighs Fallout of Leaving ATA

American Trucking Associations has a Y2K problem that has nothing to do with configuring its computers to deal with the new millennium. The bug facing the organization is persuading its 14 conferences and national affiliates to develop closer ties with their bigger cousin by Dec. 31, 2000.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
May 26, 1999

Donations to Senate Commerce Committee Members

Trucking was the eighth-largest contributor to members of the Senate Commerce Committee over the last six years, according to campaign finance reports.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
May 26, 1999