ATA Urges Clinton to Open Border

TT File PhotoAmerican Trucking Associations commemorated the third anniversary of the scheduled implementation of the trucking provisions of the North American Free Trade Agreement by urging President Clinton to completely open four Southwestern states to Mexican trucks.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
December 21, 1998

Slater Counters Claybrook

The Department of Transportation is responding to criticism from safety groups that the Federal Highway Administration is not adequately handling truck safety.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
December 18, 1998

Postal Service Modernization

Congress is expected to try again next year to update the nation’s postal laws, but any changes will likely be far from the privatization efforts that have taken hold in Europe.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
December 18, 1998

FHWA Considering Outside Input

The Federal Highway Administration today announced it is considering using a negotiated rulemaking to update hours of service regulations for truck drivers.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
December 14, 1998

CRASH Lashes Out at Trucking Safety

A familiar trucking critic is adding its voice to the debate over moving the Office of Motor Carriers from the Federal Highway Administration to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
December 14, 1998

Nader Backs OMC Move From FHWA to NHTSA

Consumer advocate Ralph Nader believes the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, an agency he has criticized for years, is a better home for the Office of Motor Carriers than the Federal Highway Administration.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
December 14, 1998

Opinion: The Politics of Trucking Safety

For those few members of the media not covering the Clinton impeachment proceedings, truck safety is the issue du jour, courtesy of Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.).

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
December 14, 1998

Trucking Accused of Endangering Children

Citizens for Reliable and Safe Highways is using a new tactic in its attacks on trucking.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
December 14, 1998

Diesel Price Dips Below $1

Diesel prices have dropped below $1 a gallon for the first time since at least 1994, when the Energy Information Administration began compiling diesel price information.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
December 14, 1998

Trucking Says CRASH Has It Wrong

CRASH last week gave reporters its third annual list of truck-involved fatalities by state. Texas had the worst record in 1997, with 454 deaths according to CRASH.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
December 14, 1998