
Truck, Rail Panels Could Merge

Trucking lobbyists last week endorsed a proposal by House Transportation Committee Chairman Bud Shuster (R-Pa.) to merge jurisdiction over railroads and trucking into a single subcommittee. The unexpected announcement came as House members focused on the vote to impeach President Clinton.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
December 28, 1998

Nafta Anniversary Sparks Appeal

American Trucking Associations commemorated the third anniversary of the suspension of a key North American Free Trade Agreement trucking provision by urging President Clinton to completely open four southwestern states to Mexican trucks.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
December 28, 1998

Fine-Tuned Drug Testing Requested

American Trucking Associations is seeking the support of the head of the nation’s anti-drug program for changes in truck driver drug-testing laws.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
December 28, 1998

Truck Safety a Top Priority

Improving surface transportation safety ranks just behind aviation safety as a priority of the Department of Transportation, according to a new report by the department’s inspector general.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
December 28, 1998

Truck, Rail Panels Could Merge

Trucking lobbyists last week endorsed a proposal by House Transportation Committee Chairman Bud Shuster (R-Pa.) to merge jurisdiction over railroads and trucking into a single subcommittee.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
December 23, 1998

Negotiating Hours Reform

The Federal Highway Administration last week announced it is taking the first step toward a negotiated rulemaking to update hours of service regulations for truck drivers.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
December 22, 1998

Slater Counters Claybrook

The Department of Transportation is responding to criticism from safety groups that the Federal Highway Administration is not adequately handling truck safety.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
December 22, 1998

Postal Service Modernization

Congress is expected to try again next year to update the nation’s postal laws, but any changes will likely be far from the privatization efforts that have taken hold in Europe.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
December 22, 1998

ATA Merges IT, Logistics Councils

American Trucking Associations last week announced the merging of its Logistics and Information Technology councils.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
December 22, 1998

DOT Carrier Safety Programs Under Internal Review

The Department of Transportation’s inspector general has launched a sweeping review of the federal motor carrier safety program in response to congressional requests.

David Barnes | Senior Correspondent
December 22, 1998