
California Contemplates Retrofit of Diesel Particulate Filters

California air regulators announced plans to require the owners of 1.25 million diesel engines to install filters to catch fine pollution particles.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
July 26, 2000

Pennsylvania Puts Focus On Truck Safety

When Pennsylvania officials and representatives of the state’s trucking industry hit the streets for a coordinated safety check, they handed out free goodies as well as out-of-service tickets.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
July 26, 2000

Grojean: Reefers Facing Day of Reckoning

Refrigerated carrier executive William Grojean says carriers in his sector are heading for a day of reckoning because of difficulties in getting rate increases and paying drivers enough.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
July 26, 2000

Experimental Devices Test Driver Alertness

Researchers are testing devices in truck cabs that monitor driver fatigue, aiming to eventually replace hours-of-service rules with a box that will allow truckers to drive until they are measurably tired.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
July 25, 2000

Reefer Carriers Offer Plan to Cut Loading Time

Refrigerated carriers have laid out the battle plans for getting truckers in and out of the loading docks without the interminable delays that rankle drivers and sap carrier productivity and revenue.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
July 24, 2000

Calif. Mulls Diesel Particle Filter Retrofit

California air regulators announced plans to require the owners of 1.25 million diesel engines to install filters to catch fine pollution particles.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
July 21, 2000

Penn. Conducts Three-Day Inspection Blitz

When Pennsylvania officials and representatives of the state’s trucking industry hit the streets for a coordinated safety check, they handed out free goodies as well as out-of-service tickets.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
July 21, 2000

Wisc. Association Stops Separate Truck Speeds

The radar guns are out in full force in Milwaukee these days and lead-footed truckers who find themselves on the wrong side of a speeding ticket have an alliance of state officials, law enforcement and industry leaders to thank.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
July 20, 2000

New Jersey Route Ban Draws Tickets, Complaints About Enforcement

Amid some confusion over New Jersey’s prohibition against off-route interstate truck movements, state police handed out another 76 tickets to drivers, raising the of number of summonses above 150 since serious enforcement started May 20.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
July 19, 2000

Arizona Backs Off Split Speeds

Trucks can keep cruising the Arizona deserts at the same speed as four-wheelers thanks to a state Department of Transportation study.

Jeff Johnson | Staff Reporter
July 19, 2000